How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars – Having acne is already not very funny, but if you have to keep the scars … Peeling, surgery, creams, and laser. The point on all aesthetic treatments.

Whether it erupts in adolescence or adulthood, acne can leave indelible skin scars on the face for about 70% of the people involved. These scars get worse if you take your pimples by piercing or with.

The more severe acne is and the onset of late treatment, the greater the risk of scarring. And when the foundation does not hide the reliefs and blemishes, there are aesthetic treatments that guarantee a more homogeneous and smoother skin.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

When to start an aesthetic treatment against acne?

Whatever the treatment, it is preferable to wait a few months after the end of any active lesion before considering an aesthetic intervention. Indeed, the skin has an astonishing regeneration power, and some lesions can fade away by themselves over the months.

This deadline must be respected, in particular with isotretinoin (European recommendations), because if scars are treated too soon after treatment has stopped, there is a risk of aggravating them or even inducing a new acne outbreak.

The dermatologist, therefore, prescribes a maintenance treatment based on acidic vitamin A in order to “whiten” the acne, clear the superficial marks and prevent the recurrence of comedones and microcystins.

In any case, plan for intervention in winter, as most treatments, especially lasers, require to avoid solar exposure.

Treat the pigment scars of acne

The pigment scars have no relief but hyperpigmentation. They manifest themselves in two forms.

The stains are red

They are common on clear skins, prone to rosacea. Most of the time, these traces are subsided alone.

The dermatologist can attenuate the redness by using a vascular laser, which diffuses heat and has a coagulation effect. Two or three sessions, combined with five or six led sessions (red lamps), are required.

If the stains are intense, they can be gummed into a pigment laser session of the Q-switched type, which destroys the pigments. Count about €60 The LED session, and €200 that of the laser.

Judged to be more effective by some dermatologists, the superficial peeling of aha fruit acids, glycolic or salicylic acid at low concentration, accelerates the regression of red marks. It causes redness, but we can show up in public the next day. Two to four sessions are required, spaced at least fifteen days. From €90 the meeting.
Also read: superficial peeling; For a glowing complexion and a soft skin

None of this care is reimbursed.

The spots are brown

Matt and dark skins are prone to it. The darker the skin, the more marked the stains. To erase them, only topical care is effective.

The physician prescribes a depigmenting cream based on vitamin C, Koji acid and licorice (licorice in English) or a hydroquinone preparation associated with acidic vitamin A, to be used in the evening as it may irritate. The preparation applies for several months.


Treat Irregular acne scars

They give the skin an irregular surface, which the make-up cannot completely camouflage.


If the scars are in hollow

Hollow scars Form small craters on the surface of the skin

  • Shaped like an ice pick. To blur these narrow and deep traces, we resort to rehabilitation surgery. The doctor carries out a “drill” around the existing “hole” to be regarded to the circular scalpel, under regional or local anesthesia. Rarely supported by social security, this surgery causes small crusts and causes a week of social eviction, adhesive sutures fixing the scars. Count $200 minimum. In the following weeks, the dermatologist performs a resurfacing laser session (for example, Erbium laser), which destroys the superficial layers of the skin and levels the whole.
  • In the shape of U. small holes wider and shallower than “ice picks”, these lesions can be gummed thanks to the fractional laser of the type erbium, CO2 ablative or nonablative. It creates small holes in the skin to stimulate the production of collagen (the skin can be anesthetized by a cream one hour before treatment). At the exit, the skin is red for two to three days. Crusts form, and make-up becomes possible after five days. Count 3 to 4 sessions spaced at least two months. Rates: from $400 to $700 the session depending on the surface being treated.
    If the scars are embossed


Embossed scars form surface irregularities

  • In the shape of cords. To alleviate these reliefs, the ablative laser (CO2, erbium) burns the surface of the skin to smooth it, causing bleeding and burns in the third degree. For eight days, the face is red, bright and crusty. Carried out under anesthesia, this heavy technique requires bandages. Count a weeks work stoppage. The sitting costs about €600.
  • In the shape of blisters. Hard to touch, keloids scars sometimes have the appearance of cysts. To soften them at best, the doctor first injects cortisone to sag. Then he cut and suture them. It can then perform ablative laser sessions to polish the surface of the skin.