How to get rid of calluses on the bottom of the foot – Corns and calluses on the feet are a problem encountered by many people. Calluses on the soles of the feet are irritating, rarely painful, but generally not harmful. Both the corns and calluses on the feet are a thick and hard layer of the skin, usually formed because of the pressure on the feet or due to some type of friction your feet experience.
What is the difference between corns and calluses on the feet
it forms calluses on a foot at a point where it goes through pressure or friction, usually on the ball or heel of the foot and it takes a shape accordingly? Maize, on the other hand, can be defined as a type of callus with a defined shape and the one that usually develops between the toes. To be precise, corn is a cone-shaped callus. It has a knotty core that points inward and gives you a thorn-like sting every time you walk or the pressure is applied as well. Calluses are usually larger than corns and are yellowish or pale. They feel lumpy when you touch them, but in general, this feeling is rare because the very thick skin on the callus site makes it less sensitive to touch. In general, calluses are not painful, but they can become painful if you let them grow.
Causes of Calluses
the first cause of calluses as well as grains is extreme pressure or rubbing on the skin of the feet. Now, what causes this pressure or friction can also be considered as the causes of calluses.
Poorly chosen shoes
This can be anything-tight shoes, loose shoes, or one with high heels. Any type of poorly equipped shoes is enough to give you calluses on the bottom of the feet or in fact even above.
- Shoes – tight lead to the compression of larger parts of your foot.
- Shoes – Bulk because they are not a perfect fit, they would lead to slippage, friction, or friction and cause calluses.
- High heels – not only do they compress your feet, but also put undue pressure on one point, even when you are standing and not walking in particular.
Sometimes when there is a seam or stitch inside the shoe that has not been properly treated and that rubs along your feet, can also cause calluses.
Wearing shoes without socks
when you wear your shoes without socks, you leave a sufficient range for the friction to be caused by your feet and shoes. The same thing is true when you are not wearing socks, but they do not fit properly. In such a case, your feet slipped and rubbed along the socks which again rubbed against the shoes. This is also a major cause of calluses.
Walking without shoes
Calluses on the feet usually develop because of the skin, it tries to protect itself by becoming hard. This way he can save himself from injuring himself because of any excessive pressure or friction. The same thing happens when you walk barefoot on hard surfaces. The skin hardens to protect itself leading to the formation of calluses.
Using tools and equipment
Of course, you usually don’t use a tool or equipment with your feet. Were talking about calluses on our hands here. Yes, calluses form not only on the feet but on the hands too! There are many tools that you may be used in your daily routines such as gardening tools, plumbing or mechanical tools, and even musical equipment! These all either put pressure or lead to friction against your soft palms leading to calluses on the hand. We will see further also talk about how to get rid of calluses on the hands.
Other causes of calluses
- If you have too moist feet, you are at the risk of developing CALs
- if your job is to stay in a standing position for a long time during the day, then also you can get more calluses.
- If you suffer from these foot problems like hammertoes or onions, you are more inclined to develop calluses.
As previously said also, calluses are usually not dangerous, but you have to treat them as soon as you notice them otherwise your discomfort will increase with the increasing size of the CALs. However, if you suffer from certain medical conditions such as diabetes, you should pay more attention to eliminating calluses. As diabetes leads to poor blood flow to your feet, you need to take the utmost care of your feet. In the absence of such foot care, you can develop complications related to calluses such as infections or skin ulcers. So how to remove calluses on the feet! Here are some ways to get rid of calluses!
How to get rid of calluses on the feet
When you go to your doctor for the treatment of calluses, it can give you medications to remove calluses or it can recommend cutting off excess hardened skin from the callus site. However, you can avoid all of this if you decide to get rid of calluses naturally.
You soak your hands or feet in hot water, you facilitate the softening of the skin there. It really helps to eliminate calluses from the feet or hands wherever they are. Hot soapy water is all you need, but if you want to speed up the process of eliminating calluses, you’ll like to add specialized ingredients, one of which is Epsom salt. Epsom Salt accelerates the process of softening the hard callus into thick dead skin. Here’s how to remove calluses on the feet by soaking them in Epsom saltwater. You can use this remedy to get rid of calluses on your hands too!