Why Shouldn’t You Clean Your Ears With Cotton Swabs?

Why is it better to avoid using a cotton swab?

Why Shouldn't You Clean Your Ears With Cotton Swabs?
Why Shouldn’t You Clean Your Ears With Cotton Swabs?

Attention, before using the cotton swab, it is good to know that:

  • Ear wax contains anti-bacterial properties: it is able to prevent some types of infection,
  • Ear wax is also a repellent for insects: to protect the ears of insects and prevents them from entering the ear, ear
  • Wax keeps the ear canal lubricated. In its absence, the area becomes dry and can manifest as itching,
  • Wipe the ear with a cotton swab and damage the eardrum, causing it to rupture. Sometimes it is the temporary loss of hearing,
  • The cotton buds push the ear wax present on the outer surface into the ear. This method is incorrect,
  • The ear is able to remove the ear wax on its own. This is done by muscle movements of the face, such as yawning or talking. The wax can then be removed with a finger, while in the shower,
  • Continuing to clean the ear regularly does more harm than good: you could injure sensitive and internal parts, and it can also cause infection.

How can you clean your ears properly?

When it comes to excess wax, there are two possibilities:

  • to have your ears closed and, therefore, to feel less,
  • to clean your ears.

The choice seems so simple. Let’s look at some methods for cleaning your ears properly.

The use of hydrogen peroxide to clean the ears

This technique is among the most common. It helps to soften the wax, making it easier to remove with a cotton cloth or dropping it spontaneously.
Hydrogen peroxide is particularly effective when combined with treatment with hot mineral oil.
However, it can cause ear irritation. In particular, if used more than once or twice a day, you may experience itching, redness, dryness and an increased risk of infection. It is therefore recommended to use it no more than once a day, and only for two or three consecutive days.

Cleaning your ears at home

Follow the “Oto-suggestion” method is a good idea for those who want proper ear cleaning at home.
This instrument is extremely safe, which allows the removal of earwax. In fact, thanks to a safety cap, “Otto-suggestion is always kept on the outside of the ear canal.
It can be used daily without the risk of damaging your ears.

Operating washing at home

As already mentioned, the ear is self-cleaning, that is, its shape and structure encourage the drainage of ear wax. However, you can speed up this cleaning process by providing a dry one at home:

  1. Mix a solution of equal parts of white vinegar with hot water and alcohol,
    pour a few drops of the mixture into each ear,
  2. Leave the mixture for a few minutes, then it will soften the ear wax,
  3. Turn your head to allow the liquid to drain. Help each other, if necessary with a cotton swab.
    It is a simple and effective method. However, we must always remember that vinegar and alcohol can irritate the ear, making the problem worse. Therefore, it is advisable to follow this technique rarely and only when you want to operate a deep clean.

The use of mineral oil to clean your ears

This method uses hot oil or at room temperature, and allows you to get rid of ear wax without helping with dryness or irritation of the ears.
Despite this, however, you need to pay attention to the protection of sensitive ear skin.

  1. Pour a few drops of mineral oil into the ear. We do not normally recommend baby oil, as it contains fragrances or irritants, flavors,
  2. Tilt your head to the side, to cover the affected ear, with a cotton swab,
  3. Wait for 10 to 20 minutes before repositioning normally, so that the ear wax will soften,
    gently remove the wax from the cotton pad.
    This does not work in case the ears are very dirty, but it is especially suitable for regular cleaning, running once a week would be ideal.

The use of a syringe for professional ears

It is a solution for the “old school” is very effective, but it should not be done at home, but by the general practitioner, a nurse or an otolaryngologist.
Treatment consists of applying a water syringe to the ear. The patient must indicate where he feels the presence of wax, as the objective is to melt the large paraffin blocks. Then, you will remove the softened wax with a pair of medical tweezers.
The risks of this method are moderate and include minor damage to the ear canal or eardrum (about 1 in 1000). In addition, the sudden pressure of water and its temperature can result in dizziness and nausea when it affects the inside of the ear.

How often should you clean your ears?

Each person produces more or less ear wax, so there is no definitive answer.
if you produce a lot of earwax, it is recommended that you clean your ears after a month using hydrogen peroxide, mineral oil or carwash. This is a common problem, the cause of which is often of genetic origin,
if you do not produce wax, or you produce little, you do not need to clean your ears, your ears – as already mentioned – are able to clean from the sun.