If exposure to sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D, an essential nutrient for bone health, on the other hand, exposure to sunlight can not be overstated, especially when the skin is unprotected. The consequences of sun exposure can be serious, especially for people with sensitive skin.
Sun exposure can cause blemishes and blisters on sensitive skin
The effects of solar radiation can be divided between immediate and long term. “The immediate effect is the appearance of burns (redness) and even blisters, as well as tanning of the skin in the darkest people,” says dermatologist Tiago Silveira Lima. Burning and itching are also common, and after a few days, sensitive skin may peel.
Already, in the long run, spots on sensitive skin may appear, as well as other signs of aging, such as wrinkles, marked grooves, lack of vision and more opaque appearance. According to the expert, unprotected sun exposure can also cause benign skin tumors and even skin cancer.
Sunscreen helps protect sensitive skin from sun damage
To avoid damage to sensitive skin, you must always keep it protected and well cared for. “We can use physical protection of clothing and parasol. It is interesting that the fabric has high sun protection, which is called FPU on the labels. In Brazil, there are already several specialized stores that sell clothes of this type “, says the professional.
The use of sunscreen is also indispensable for people with sensitive skin. In addition, when going to the street or bathing in the pool or sea, it is important to avoid contact with sunlight during the hours of the strongest radiation, between 10 and 16 hours.