Have you ever wondered what happens to the body after consuming a can of soda? An illustration compiled by the blog Truth Theory, by the ex-pharmacist Niraj Naik, presents the effects of a can of Coca-Cola or other similar sugary and caffeinated drink from 10 minutes of its ingestion until after 60 minutes. The data were released by the Daily Mail newspaper, which heard the opinion of some professionals on the subject. Check out:
10 minutes
10 teaspoons of sugar reach your system (100% of your recommended daily intake). You do not vomit immediately due to the overwhelming sweetness because the phosphoric acid cuts off the flavor.
Blood sugar spikes, causing an explosion of insulin. Your liver responds to this by transforming all the sugar it can get into fat.
40 minutes
Caffeine absorption is complete. The pupils dilate, blood pressure rises, in response, your liver pours more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are blocked, preventing drowsiness.
45 minutes
The body increases dopamine production by stimulating your brain’s pleasure centers. This is physically the same way that heroin works.
60 minutes
Phosphoric acid traps calcium, magnesium, and zinc in the large intestine, causing yet another increase in metabolism. This situation is aggravated by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing urinary calcium excretion.
More than 60 minutes
Caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play (cause the person to urinate). Now, you are sure to evacuate the junction of calcium, magnesium and zinc that should go to your bones, as well as sodium, electrolytes, and water.
More than 60 minutes
As the delusion inside you dies, you will start to have a sugar shock. It can become irritable and / or slow. You will also have literally urinated the water that was in the soda. But not before taking a long some nutrients that your body could have used to even have the ability to hydrate the body and strengthen bones and teeth.
What the experts say
“Coca-Cola doesn’t just have a lot of high fructose corn syrup, but it’s also packed with refined salts and caffeine. Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high amounts you find in Coca-Cola and other processed foods and drinks can lead to increased blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity ”, commented the former pharmacist on his blog.
“The National Health Service has just changed the allowance for total added sugar from 10 teaspoons per day to 7.5 teaspoons per day. This means that only one can has more than the total sugar allowed for the entire day, ”said nutritionist Ella Allred, from NutriCentre.com.
According to the nutritionist, this high amount of sugar makes the pancreas work harder to produce insulin, increasing the chances of developing type 2 diabetes and causing the accumulation of abdominal fat, increasing the risk of heart disease. “The huge amount of sugar your body needs to deal with uses up stores of valuable nutrients like magnesium and calcium, which are our biggest reserves in bones. It also makes you dehydrated, making you feel sleepy and tired, again needing more energy. Sugar and caffeine stimulate the same pleasure centers in the brain as drugs, like cocaine and heroin, leaving you craving more, which further worsens the effect on your body. ”
Dentist Sameer Pate, clinical director of Elleven Dental Practice in the UK, said carbonated drinks, such as cola, are full of sugar and acid, which damage teeth. “When the liquid is in the mouth, it can then lead to acid erosion and tooth decay. Darker colored carbonated drinks increase the likelihood of staining your teeth as well, ”he commented.
The longer it takes to finish drinking the can, the worse it is for the tooth. “It takes just 20 seconds for the bacteria to produce acid inside the mouth, but the effects can last up to 30 minutes. If you spend 30 minutes drinking, these bacterial effects multiply substantially. If you are drinking sodas, use a straw and consume with your meal to minimize sugar contact with your teeth, which leads to dental problems. Chew sugar-free gum when you’re done to help neutralize the acid in your mouth, ”he recommended.
The Daily Mail newspaper contacted Coca-Cola to comment on the matter but received no response at the time of publication.
In response to the article published on Wednesday (29), the Brazilian Association of the Industries of Soft Drinks and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (Abir) informs through its press office this Friday (31):
– It is not correct to say that the sugar in soft drinks is immediately transformed into fat. When ingested, sugar is digested and metabolized into glucose molecules, which is used as an energy source by the body. If sugar is not used by the body as an energy source, the nutrient can be stored in the liver and then transformed into glycogen (energy reserve). Sugar, as well as other carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, starch), fats, and proteins that make up the diet, can accumulate in the body in the form of fat when the individual’s energy expenditure is less than the calorie intake, regardless the origin. For this reason, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, proper hydration and regular physical activity. In this context,
– Caffeine is one of the most studied ingredients in the world and is naturally present in various foods and drinks such as teas, coffee and cocoa. The amount of caffeine present in soft drinks is low: a 350ml can have about 35mg, while the same amount of coffee contains an average of 124mg. Scientific entities confirm that these amounts of caffeine are not at risk.
– Phosphoric acid is an acidulant used in certain soft drinks due to its acidity, which helps in the balance between acidic and sweet taste. This ingredient also reduces the growth of microorganisms, which improves the conservation of drinks. In the body, phosphoric acid is digested in the stomach and absorbed as phosphate. The same occurs with phosphorus present in any other food, such as meat, cheese, and nuts.
– A number of scientific organizations, which have conducted studies to determine whether the phosphorus present in carbonated drinks could impact bone health, concluded that there is no evidence of negative effects on healthy people, as long as calcium intake is adequate. According to the US National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences (IOM / NAS), phosphorus does not negatively interfere with calcium absorption. The risk factors listed by the International Osteoporosis Foundation include age, female gender, family history, menopause, malnutrition, insufficient calcium and vitamin D intake, lack of physical activity, low lean muscle mass, smoking, and excessive consumption of alcohol.
– The consumption of soda should not be singled out as a cause of obesity, since the diet consists of several foods and drinks. In addition, other factors influence weight gain, such as the balance between consumption and expenditure of calories consumed. Abir understands that obesity is an urgent problem that must be faced in a consistent and broad way, but only the attack on processed foods and beverages will not produce the most effective result.
– Type 2 diabetes is a complex disease associated with several risk factors, including family history, overweight, obesity, aging and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is not correct to say that a single product is responsible for the development of the disease. Consuming too many calories from any food and drink, without spending enough to maintain energy balance, can contribute to insulin resistance and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
– All foods and drinks containing sugars (fermented carbohydrates) can contribute to tooth decay and enamel erosion, due to acidity. Soda is no exception, however, this will only occur if oral health is not done properly. Therefore, the main cause of cavities is poor oral hygiene habits.
– Carbonated drinks are not among the possible causes of kidney disease. Although there is no scientific evidence regarding the origin of kidney stones, the US National Institutes of Health point to diabetes, high blood pressure and family history as probable causes of kidney stones.
– Just like any acidic drink, such as orange and lemon juice, for example, soda should be avoided by those with gastritis. However, drinking is not the cause of the problem.