How to Stop Post Nasal Drip Cough at Night – The nose is the first entry that air passes on its way into the lungs. The glands lining the nose walls, producing a mucous membrane. This mucus acts as a humidifier for the air we breathe and as a trap for bacteria, viruses or foreign objects that try to pass through the nose. Mucus is produced in reasonable quantities, it heats and cleans the air and then moves the throat through the rear apertures of the nose. Because there are only small amounts of mucus produced daily swallowing when it comes to throat without even recognizing its swallowing.
A less common condition is when excess mucus decides to go back and hence the drop occurs at the back of the throat and then swallows. This is called a post nasal drip and is caused by many reasons:
- Common cold, flu or other infections.
- Sinusitis
- Allergic rhinitis
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD).
Symptoms and Complications
- A chronic cough, especially at night.
- Wheezing or sound heard during expiration
- Swallow frequently or try to swallow the mucus that is trapped in the back of the throat,
- Which may cause discomfort due to excessive air in the stomach,
- A runny nose. This is a symptom of the condition caused by dripping post nasal drip.
- Repetitive throat cleaning and snorting in an attempt to get rid of mucus. Skewers also frequent is a very common symptom.
- Feeling something is trapped in the back of the throat caused by mucus, which flows down the back of the throat.
- Change in your voice, it looks like your nose is blocked. Since your nose is blocked.
- Frequent sore throats: since in this condition the throat is in direct contact with mucus filled with bacteria.
- Bad Breath (Halitosis)
- Headache
- Small white yellowish masses formed in the tonsils (history).
Can you wait when you visit your doctor?
The doctor will try to find out whats causing your drip post. The doctor will ask about symptoms, then examine the nose, throat, and ears. Ask your doctor about allergies and infection. In some cases, X-rays or even computed tomography can be ordered to determine the cause of the post nasal drip.
Treatment ( how to get rid of a post nasal drip )
Infection: Probably caused by a virus in this case the antibiotics are not necessary. Your doctor may prescribe decongestants and painkillers. When the bacterial infection is the cause the doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics. In general, if the mucus produced is clear that the infection is viral if the mucus is green the infection can cause bacteria. – how to get rid of a post nasal drip
Allergies: Anti-antihistamines can be used to help with symptoms. Preventing allergy-producing substances is very important. – how to get rid of a post nasal drip
I have a severe itching throat and nose alongside sneezing from chronic rhinitis. These have been prolonged. If I take over-the-counter medications, it goes and in a few days is back. This has made life complicated. Any help will be greatly welcome.