How to Check Blood Pressure without Equipment

In a healthy young adult, the average value of blood pressure is usually 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

But what do these numbers mean? The first number represents the systolic pressure or amount of pressure generated while the heart pumps blood and then contracts for the blood to leave the heart.

How to Check Blood Pressure without Equipment

In simple terms, the systolic pressure measures the pressure created by the contractions of the heart.

On the other hand, the second value measures the diastolic pressure, which is the pressure existing in the arteries of the heart while it rests.

Expressed in simple terms, the diastolic pressure readings measure the pressure of the heart when it is at rest.

These two figures combine to give doctors an accurate reading of heart muscle function.

If the numbers are too high, this is the first indication of a possible condition called high blood pressure or hypertension.

Although it is impossible to adequately measure blood pressure without some type of equipment, you can make a good estimate of the systolic pressure.

To measure the diastolic pressure, however, you should use a blood pressure monitor and a stethoscope. No measurement requires the use of high-tech equipment or a doctor’s diploma.

Through this article, you will learn how to measure blood pressure with little or no equipment.


Steps to follow to measure blood pressure without equipment

Slide the first two fingers of one hand on the wrist of the opposite hand. With the palm facing up, the radial pulse is below the thumb and slightly above the wrist. Find this site with your fingers.

Move your fingers delicately until you feel the pulse; You can do it in most people. This is when the measurement of blood pressure without equipment comes into play.

The mere fact that you can feel the radial pulse indicates that the pressure is above 80 mm Hg. The more prominent the pulse, the higher the tension.

If the pulse is weak, it means that it is closer to the minimum value mentioned.

Use a tensiometer if you need a more accurate systolic pressure reading or if you need to know the diastolic pressure. Place the cuff of the tensiometer around the brachial artery, this runs along the inside of the arm, it becomes more noticeable on one side of the elbow.

Place a stethoscope on the brachial artery and then insufflate the tensiometer until you stop feeling the pulse.

Then, slowly, let the air come out at the rate of 2 millimeters of mercury per second. Pay attention to the meter number where you start to feel the pulse again. This is the systolic value.

Let the air continue to come out slowly until you feel no pulse from the brachial artery.

This point marks the diastolic pressure. In children, it will simply sound off.


In what other points can I feel the pulse of a person?

In the human body, there are 7 points where you can feel the pulse. Although the most well-known and used with the wrist or the neck, it can also be felt or measured anywhere where an artery passes close to the surface of the skin.

Use two fingers to apply light pressure on the site and you should be able to feel the pulse. When you find your pulse, count the number of beats for one minute, or count for 30 seconds and multiply by two.


Points to take into account

The average of young people and healthy adults have a blood pressure of 120/80. Pregnant women, however, tend to have higher blood pressure.

Adolescents, on the other hand, can often have lower values, such as 110/70 millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Adolescents between the ages of 13 and 15 often experience fluctuations in blood pressure readings.

This is perfectly normal since they often undergo stress, as well as physical changes in their body by the hormones that trigger during adolescence.

However, the latent danger of hypertension in young people of this age can not be neglected, since there are millions of cases due to diets full of sugars, sodium, carbohydrates and fats.

This, together with the lack of physical exercise, leads to numerous cases of obesity, a condition that also generates new physical and psychological problems that must be addressed without fail.