How Long After Conception does Morning Sickness Start – Have you been trying for some time to conceive a child or are your rules late? Pregnancy tests on sale in pharmacies can confirm if you are pregnant. They are generally reliable, but dont be too eager to use them.
How do the pregnancy tests work?
When the embryo implants into the wall of the uterus, the placenta forms. This then begins to produce the human chorionic gonadotropic hormone (HCG), which is present in the blood, and also in the urine, but in smaller quantity. Pregnancy tests can determine if you are pregnant by detecting the presence of HCG. The production of this hormone usually starts about 6 to 7 days after conception. The amount of HCG in the blood then increases very rapidly during the first trimester of pregnancy. The hormone concentration doubles in effect every 2 to 3 days.
From when can I use a pregnancy test?
Most of the urine tests available on the market can detect pregnancy from the scheduled day for the next menstruation. If the test is done earlier, it is more difficult to detect HCG because it is still in low amounts in the urine. Some tests, however, are more sensitive than others and claim to offer reliable results a few days before the expected date of the rules. According to experts, the best time to pass a urine pregnancy test and get a reliable result would be however 1 or 2 weeks after the scheduled menstruation date.
Because of the highest concentration of hCG in the blood, the blood tests prescribed by a doctor usually detect pregnancy faster than urine tests. A blood test will detect if a woman is pregnant 8 to 10 days after fertilization.
Establish the date of the design with a pregnancy test?
Some tests provide an estimate of the number of weeks elapsed since conception (1 to 2 wk, 2 to 3 wk or 3 wk +). According to studies sponsored by the manufacturers of pregnancy tests, the reliability of these predictions would be comparable to those that can be obtained with an ultrasound. However no independent study confirmed these results.
Are they reliable?
If you get a positive result, it is almost certain that you are pregnant, regardless of the intensity of the lines that appear on the test. The only reasons to get a false positive result are a miscarriage very early during pregnancy or the taking of certain medications that can distort the results. This is the case in particular of certain products used to treat infertility.
Negative results are less reliable. The main reason for getting a negative result when you are actually pregnant is to have done the test too soon. The placenta will not have had the time to produce enough HCG for this hormone to be detected by the pregnancy test.
If you get a negative result, but still think youre pregnant, do another test a few days later. Also check that the test has worked well by ensuring that the control band is displayed. If this is not the case, the test is not valid and you will have to pass another one.
The different pregnancy tests
There are several tests available on the market. In some cases, they simply consist of an absorbent rod that must be held in the urine stream. In other cases, you must first collect the urine in a small container. The absorbent rod is then dipped into the container or a dropper is used to deposit the urine into a small cassette.
The result can appear simply in the form of color lines. Other tests will form a + if you are pregnant. Finally, some tests use a digital display to announce the result: “Pregnant” or “not pregnant”.
Tips for use
To increase the chances of having a reliable result, here are some tips.
The concentration of HCG is higher in the morning urine. To increase the sensitivity of the test, it is advisable to do the test at your sunrise.
Wait for the time recommended by the manufacturer to interpret the result. In most cases, it is suggested to wait about 2 minutes. According to some experts, a 10-minute delay would give more accurate results.
If you have an irregular cycle, count 36 days after your last menstrual period before you take a pregnancy test. You can also take a test 3 to 4 weeks after an unprotected sexual relationship.
Did you follow the instructions correctly?
Always make sure you read the instructions. According to some experts, the instructions accompanying the pregnancy tests are not always easy