The reality show “Here you come Honey Boo Boo” documented the life of a common family in the United States, characterized by the fact that they were all overweight. Although the protagonist was a blonde girl named Alana Thompson, her mother, “Mama June” also monopolized the cameras for her unglamorous behavior.
She did everything for her daughter to win children’s beauty pageants, very popular activities in this country.
“Mama June” always assured her that she liked to eat and sleep. However, after four seasons, the show was canceled in 2014 and the family walked away from the cameras. But now, Honey Boo Boo’s mom reappeared wearing several kilos less and even looks somewhat unrecognizable.
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The television star weighed almost 150 kilos and became the target of criticism and ridicule on social networks.
Following her drastic weight loss, 37-year-old June Shannon is now another woman. Although after suffering an accident in March she underwent a gastric bypass, she assures that she did not undergo any surgery or dieting to achieve these results: “I have not had any surgery. Neither diets, nor pills to lose weight, much less I have gone to the gym, but with the show, I have been more active. They make me run around where we recorded and we go to different places. I guess that works, “he told TMZ.
He even confessed that he still needs to lose a few kilos to reach his personal goal.