HDL: How to Increase Good Cholesterol for Heart Health

The importance of maintaining a balanced diet routine goes far beyond weight loss and aesthetic purposes. Only with a balanced diet and regular exercise can it be healthy.

In addition to providing the energy needed to maintain the bodys basic functions, food can still bring greater benefits by taking on curative roles and rebalancing the most varied systems in the human body.

As a fine example of how diet can benefit a system are good fat-rich foods, namely unsaturated fats which are able to protect heart health and prevent cardiovascular problems by directly interfering with HDL levels.

As another support in the maintenance of good health are the physical exercises, since this demand of a set of actions so that the body can carry out the activities without much effort, besides the fact that their effects are experienced even after their end.

How important is HDL cholesterol?

HDL: How to Increase Good Cholesterol for Heart Health

Also known as good cholesterol, HDL is the acronym for high-density lipoproteins in English. According to the cardiologist Dr. José de Lima Oliveira Junior, its importance is due to the fact that adequate levels of HDL considerably reduce the risk of serious cardiovascular events such as infarction and stroke.

About one-third of the available cholesterol is carried by this lipoprotein, reducing the risk of heart disease.


How to raise HDL cholesterol and lower LDL?

In the pursuit of balanced health, it is recommended frequent visits to the cardiologist, balanced diet and regular physical exercises. Check out some attitudes that can raise HDL levels and reduce LDL according to the professional:

Avoid high trans fat foods: this type of fat causes a reduction in circulating HDL, in addition to stimulating increased production of the protein that carries LDL in the liver.

Bet on foods rich in omega-3s and 9: in addition to reducing the chances of cardiovascular disease by itself, omegas still help increase HDL levels.

Practice regular physical activity: it should be practiced at least three times a week, physical exercises are directly related to the increase of HDL levels and reduction of LDL. Aerobic exercises are the most effective for this feat.

Eliminate Smoking: In addition to increasing the chances of cardiovascular disease from damage to blood vessels, people who stop smoking increase circulating HDL.

Avoid alcoholic beverages: When consuming alcohol in large amounts, there is a higher production of triglycerides, increasing LDL levels and lowering HDL cholesterol.


What foods raise HDL?

In addition to the above-related lifestyle changes, it is possible to increase HDL levels through the foods consumed. Here are some options to add to the menu:

    • Flaxseed: to be consumed crushed or as oil, is rich in omega-3, a good fat for heart health.
    • Beans and vegetables: high in fiber, help lower LDL levels and increase HDL.
    • Chia: similar to flaxseed, it is also rich in omega-3, has high doses of fiber and lowers blood pressure.
    • Olive oil: rich in unsaturated fats, it is still rich in antioxidants, preventing the action of free radicals on LDL and HDL cholesterol.
    • Oilseeds: Having good fats, help increase HDL, and are rich in omega 3 and other beneficial nutrients for the heart.
    • Avocado: rich in monounsaturated fats, ideal for heart protection, avocado still has the ability to help lower LDL levels.
    • Fish: especially “fatty” fish such as tuna and sardines, rich in omega-3s.

Most of these foods have easy access. These should be added in the diet routine, however, it is advisable nutritional monitoring for the doses ideas according to the individual needs of each person.


What is the difference between HDL and LDL?

Acting in a contrary way, the doctor explains that while HDL works as a protector of the cardiovascular system, reducing the deposition of cholesterol in the artery wall,
LDL (known as bad cholesterol) is harmful to the cardiovascular system because it tends to settle on the wall of the arteries leading to the formation of cholesterol plaques, clogging arteries, increasing the risk of stroke and stroke. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the levels of the two lipoproteins be balanced. Check out the ideal levels of each:

HDL: According to the cardiologist, the ideal level of HDL should be equal to or greater than 60 mg/dl. “This value is considered below desirable if it is lower than 40 mg/dl in men and 50 mg/dl in women,” he explains.

LDL: Levels are divided according to the patients cardiac risk. Individuals with low risk below 130 mg/dl are desirable for subjects with intermediate risk below 100 mg/dl for individuals with a high risk, a value below 70 mg/dl and very high-risk individuals below 50 mg/dl.

Essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, with the help of small changes of habit and in the menu, it is possible to balance and maintain desirable levels of both HDL and LDL. Adapt your routine to start taking care of your health!