8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

If there is one thing we can all agree on is that in order to maintain a healthy weight, we have to significantly decrease our intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates.

I say “refined carbohydrates” because unrefined carbohydrates like beans, fruits and whole grains are carbohydrates, but unlike bread that is bleached and heavily processed, natural carbohydrates are metabolized slowly and do not madly increase your blood sugar. Blood sugar spikes are a gateway to desires, hunger and lethargy.

That said, cutting out carbohydrates and sugar is easier said than done. The blood sugar roller coaster is no joke, and the changes in our intestinal bacteria that come with sugar consumption and the consumption of carbohydrates make us always crave these same foods. How about using these tips to get rid of sugar addiction?


8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

  1. Drink more water

8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

Probably more times than you realize, you are confusing hunger with thirst. So sipping water, sparkling water, low-sugar kombucha or iced herbal tea throughout the day is a great way to ensure you’re not dehydrated and confused hunger thirsty.

  1. Leave vegetables by hand for you to eat.

8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

Eating vegetables – especially those rich in cellulose, such as leafy greens and leaves (especially the stems) and cruciferous vegetables – results in increased intestinal volume. Its high water content also increases satiety. They also promote hormonal balance, help repopulate the intestines and provide phytonutrients that are not available elsewhere.

  1. Fill with fiber-rich foods.

8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

Foods rich in soluble fiber – such as grains, vegetables, fruits and fruits – will stretch your stomach and empty it slowly, which means you will feel more satisfied and longer. Fiber also slows the release of blood sugar, stabilizing blood sugar, reducing hunger and decreasing cravings. Lastly, fiber is the basis of intestinal and hormonal health. Good intestinal bacteria need prebiotic fiber to work well. Consuming more fiber can turn your health, especially your cravings for sugar and carbohydrates.

  1. Sit and eat without distraction.

8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

I know it’s tempting to eat in front of a canvas or newspaper, but having time to eat sitting, relaxed and focused on each bite helps in digestion. Not only will you chew more, but when your brain can record every bite, you feel fuller more quickly. We also know that emotions such as anxiety and depression can lead to disordered eating. All in all, it’s best to eat when you’re away from stress.

  1. Chew your calories (slowly) and do not drink them.

8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2014 concluded that those who chewed the most ate less. That’s because, like sitting without distraction, chewing alert the hunger hormone, ghrelin, that food is coming. If you eat too fast or eat a juice in 90 seconds, it will not be fully recorded and your brain will starve. Speeding up also creates an insulin spike, which will make you hungry again as soon as it disappears.

  1. Prioritize eight to nine hours of sleep.

8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

Sleep is a big factor for how much ghrelin you produce: The less you sleep, the more ghrelin you produce and the more hunger you have.

Not to mention that sleep helps in relieving stress, and stress is a reason for emotional eating. Getting eight to nine hours of sleep in the dark and uninterrupted is one of the best things you can do for your waistline and overall health.

  1. Use your caffeine wisely.

8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

Caffeine can be an appetite suppressant, but it also dehydrates. So, drink your coffee in the morning and do not overdo it in the afternoon. Some slow caffeine metabolizers (like me) need to limit their intake to one cup per day. For others, a cup of coffee and one to two cups of green tea work well.

  1. Immerse yourself completely in your work and activities.

8 Tips For Getting Rid Of Sugar!

Boredom is one of the biggest contributors to nonsense snacking, and lack of purpose and isolation can lead to emotional nourishment. What’s the solution? Move on! Do things you love with people you love, preferably outdoors. You will feel good, and when you feel good, you will not need emotional food.