5 Reasons To Work Out In The Morning

Morning workout may be somewhat painful, but the practice of morning physical exercise can also be beneficial to your body! According to motivational guru and writer of the book “The 5 AM Club,” Robin Sharma, our body is more conducive to physical activity in the first five hours of the day, and until eight in the morning, the brain finds itself more relaxed and with the maximum potential!

5 Reasons To Work Out In The Morning

Great minds such as Tim Cook, Apple CEO, and Robert Iger, Disney CEO are part of the “5 am a club.” They wake up at times considered “absurd” for those who love the famous “five minutes” morning, as at four o’clock, for example. Do you want to know why they are right? So check out below great reasons to join this club:


5 Reasons To Work Out In The Morning

You will spend the day more attentive.

You no longer need to get to work and take about half an hour to focus. Whoever is part of the “5 am a club” already starts the day with renewed energies! And believe me, the professional results are remarkable.

You’ll think better about your food

When you make such a big effort to get up early is not any fast food that will cause you to fall into temptation. At least it should not!

No more leaving without coffee!

Waking up early forces you to have a good breakfast to endure the workout from start to finish; besides, when he returns from it, the hunger will be much greater, and only one coffee will not be enough to satisfy him. Eat well and your productivity can grow, and your metabolism is 10% faster.

The alternative to getting out of the rut

Do you feel or have you ever felt swallowed by the routine? Getting up early to work out can totally break your cycle of daily activities, providing much more quality of life and good humor!

Sleep better

The sooner you wake up, the sooner you’ll want to sleep. And who says this is bad? When we sleep early the quality of sleep improves significantly, also contributing to the results of training, regulating the metabolism and decreasing the famous circles. That is, every effort is worthwhile!